Short Annapurna Base camp Trekking is the most suitable route for the trekkers who don’t have much experience and much time in Nepal. You will achieve the maximum altitude 4130 (13,550ft) at Annapurna Base Camp.
You will love to see the rhododendron forest in bloom(March and April) which makes your day always inspiring. After finishing trek we will provide beautiful finisher medals to every trekkers.
Trek start from scenic flight to Pokhara, beautiful mountain view during 30 minutes flight. After arrival at Pokhara airport straight way we start our journey.
Short Annapurna Base Camp Trekking. It is a Incredible amphitheater whose sole access route is through the narrow, steep-walled and heavily vegetated gorge of the Modi Khola.
Annapurna Base Camp Trek
Poon Hill
Machhapuchhare Base Camp
Annapurna Base Camp Trek
Annapurna Mountain Range
Annapurna Base Camp Trek
Annapurna Base Camp Trek
Annapurna Base Camp Trek
Annapurna Base Camp Trek
Pokhara Museum
Destination Unlimited Treks Expeditions Pvt Ltd
AUD 1,842.70