London is the true “City of Spies” with over 10,000 agents hard at work in the capital! You will hear tales of Elizabeth I and intrigue, the Great Game, and the Cold War. You’ll tread in the footsteps of “The Cambridge Ring”, the Special Operations Executive and, of course, the most famous spy in the world: “007”.
This is a spy journey of which John Le Carré, Frederick Forsyth, and Ian Fleming would be proud.
We explore the successes and failures of MI5 and SIS (MI6), root out the treachery of the Cambridge spy ring, find out the facts behind the invention of the world’s first computer and why many of its uses were top secret until recently… and how many more still are! Created by an expert from the real world of espionage and the British secret service, you will discover the world of spooks in a unique and practical way, starting with a Vesper Martini (or other cocktails/mocktails) and ending with dinner and discussion at our atmospheric Whitehall venue.
St. Ermin's Hotel, Autograph Collection
St. James's Park
Imagine Experiences
INR 24,342