Your private guide will lead you through the Capitoline Museums in Piazza del Campidoglio, with a breathtaking view of Rome. After visiting the beautiful Piazza del Campidoglio, a superb example of Renaissance architecture designed by Michelangelo Buonarroti, enter the Museums. The guide will let you admire the remains of the colossal statue of Constantine and then the collections of the classical era, passing through richly frescoed halls. In the hall with a glass ceiling, see the bronze sculpture of the emperor Marcus Aurelius, the statues of the lion that bites the horse, the Spinario, the head of Constantine, and the Capitoline Wolf, the symbol of Rome. Passed the remains of the Temple of Jupiter, going underground in the gallery of the Tabularium 4th century BC, from whose arcades you can enjoy a panoramic view of the Roman Forum; reach the new wing of the museum to admire the Capitoline Venus, the Dying Gaul, the Red Faun, the group of Cupid and Psyche, and the Marforio.
Musei Capitolini
Piazza del Campidoglio
Replica Statua Equestre di Marco Aurelio
Palazzo Senatorio
Palazzo Nuovo
Palazzo dei Conservatori
Tour In Rome by Tour in the City
INR 35,547