Rewind 2,000 years on this day trip to incredible Ephesus and the House of Virgin Mary from Istanbul, including round-trip flights. Fly to Izmir and drive to the eastern Mediterranean’s finest preserved ancient city for an enthralling tour. Walk pavements once strutted by toga-clad Romans; admire the spectacular Great Theatre and Library of Celsus, and see shops, streets, temples and more. View the remnants of the Temple of Artemis and after a complimentary lunch, visit the stone-built house standing on the site many believe to be Mary’s last home. Numbers limited to 14 on this small-group tour.
Meryemana (The Virgin Mary's House)
Ancient City of Ephesus
The Odeion
Efes Antik Kenti Tiyatrosu
The Temple of Artemis
Neon Tours
INR 72,423