Discover the city of Bursa, enjoy a meal at Uludag Mountain, and go on a cable car ride on this trip from Istanbul. Visit the Green Mosque, famous for its library and green tiles.
Bursa, the favorite of tourists, will be your first choice for family and couple trips with its historical riches. Get ready to enjoy the view while taking the cable car to the top of Uludağ, which is a snow cover for 10 months of the year.
Uludag National Park
Uludag National Park
Enjoy Turkiye Travel
IDR 633.100
Overall a very bad experience. Firstly the bus used was really tiny and the seats were a squeeze. I am small size and I found it uncomfortable already. Many others in the group much bigger than me really suffered. The tourguide totally couldn't care less. His English was really bad, and just mumbling. He gave no introduction or explanation to any of the sights. Overall for a 12 hour trip, I think he spoke less than 20 sentences. And finally, this trip had at least 5 stops at tourist shopping spots. I think the guide must be paid well in commissions to bring us to these stupid places where nobody bought anything. Even when the trip is running really late (we were dropped back at our hotel at 11pm), he still insisted on making a stop at these souvenir shops to earn his commission. Very bad tour. Please avoid.