Enjoy an African experience in a Village , meet local people and get to understand their daily lives in from sunrise to evening. Victoria Falls has a number of Villages some kilometers away from town. In the Village home duties are shared based on gender and age too. Less of township life is practiced there. Women do most of domestic work and men do the most hard duties usually out in the veld doing small scale hunting on rabbits and also herding cattle away from predators:lions and hyenas. An outing that will give one a chance to socialize and share a life with villagers. New friends are made in this African experience. New recipes are an added knowledge in a lifetime. The day in day out life on men in Village contributes to the fact that : why men life expectancy is always deemed short compared to women. Such of discussions and views will come up on board basing views from the experience accrued in the tour before end.
Intondolo Safaris and Tours
Intondolo Safaris and Tours
AUD 83.70