The Rumi Route is a self guided audio tour that gives insight into Rumi's life and times by touching on the Seljuk era, the city of Konya, the Whirling Dervish, Anatolian carpets, Sufi music - and Seljuk Cuisine. The Sufi mystic Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī, usually referred to as Rumi in the West, spent most of his adult life in Konya during the 13th century. Following in his father's footsteps, Rumi became a scholar. His friendship with Shams e Tabrizi inspired a phenomenal output of poetry; his major contribution lies in Islamic philosophy and Tasawwof (Sufism).
Iplikci Mosque(Pass by)
Shams of Tabriz Mosque and Tomb(Pass by)
Şerafettin Türbesi(Pass by)
Kapu Mosque(Pass by)
Azizia Mosque(Pass by)
Selimiye Cami(Pass by)
Mevlana Muzesi(Pass by)
Tarihi Konya Köşkü(Pass by)
VoiceMap Audio Tours
INR 479