The legendary creatures of Danish folklore are more than just the Little Mermaid immortalised by H. C. Andersen. The Danish bestiary also includes such monsters as man-eating trolls, dragons who hoard treasures and fight against bulls, the heraldic wild men depicted on the royal coat of arms and the strange creature known as the ”Sea Bishop”. Even the centre of Copenhagen that draws the most tourists and traffic is haunted by mythical beasts who are seen in statues, reliefs and artwork on buildings.
Yet many of these monsters remain unknown to most visitors. You can, however, now fill this gap in your folkloric knowledge with this self-guided GPS audio tour. Download the HidDenmark Monstour VoiceMap unto your Smartphone. It will guide you on a journey from the Tivoli amusement park over the Copenhagen Stock Exchange to the canals, while narrating how weird tales of strange and terrible beings have shaped the capitol of the country.
Tivoli Gardens(Pass by)
Copenhagen Central Station(Pass by)
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
Det Kongelige Biblioteks Have(Pass by)
The National Museum of Denmark(Pass by)
Copenhagen Stock Exchange
Agnete and the Merman
Christiansborg Slot
INR 707