If you are now in Ho Chi Minh City, seeking new cuisine experiences, this is a great chance for you to try Saigon's specialties at reasonable prices. This traditional Vietnam streetfood tour will show you all kinds of must-try dishes in every corner of this city.
Nguyen Thiet Thuat apartment in district 3: car parks, coffee shops, small restaurants at the foot of Nguyen Thien Thuat Apartment.
Ho Thi Ky flower market: a wide range of flowers, from domestic ones to imported flower varieties
Cambodia market: Thai seafood noodles, tornado potatoes, rice paper with tamarind sauce, peach tea, avocado ice-cream, coconut ice-cream, baked banana rice paper
Food-selling area in district 4: try the traditional Vietnamese bread; matcha or egg flan cake.
Ho Chi Minh City
Ho Chi Minh City
Ho Chi Minh City
Ho Chi Minh City
Vietnam Street Food Tour
INR 3,323