The Wonders Of Vietnam - Cambodia -Thailand gives travelers the best experience the three countries can offer. Start your journey in Ho Chi Minh - "Pearl of the Orient", then head to the most romantic town in Vietnam - Hoi An, followed by Hanoi, a beautiful city with French colonial buildings and a bustling atmosphere. Spend overnight on a cruise, and be captivated by scenic Halong Bay,. Then head to Siem Reap and visit the ancient capital of the Khmer Empire. Wrap up your adventures with a beach break at Thailand's largest island with its stunning sceneries and warm gentle sea. These wonders will amaze you and leave you speechless.
• Enjoy an overnight cruise at the UNESCO World Heritage site
• Take a ride in a traditional Vietnamese unique basket boat
• Explore the largest religious monument in the world - Angkor Wat
• Sit back for a relaxing time at the stunning beaches of Phuket
Ho Chi Minh City
Mekong Delta
Ho Chi Minh City
Cu Chi Tunnels
Hoi An
Hoi An
Hoi An
Halong Bay
Halong Bay
Siem Reap
Angkor Wat
Tonle Sap Lake
Realistic Asia
INR 3,65,668