Since the 1950s the Sassi of Matera have become a great film set, there are now dozens of films shot almost all with a biblical background precisely because of its extraordinary resemblance to the Holy Land; but recently this amazing location is also suitable for action or adventure films. In fact, between August and September 2019 some scenes of the new film "No time to die" by 007 were shot, to be released in world cinemas starting from 30 September 2021. The new tour that retraces the "traces of 007 ”combining, for the visitor, both the cinematographic and the historical-architectural itinerary.
Sassi di Matera
Sasso Barisano
Piazza San Pietro Caveoso
Chiese rupestri Madonna delle Virtu e San Nicola dei Greci(Pass by)
Altieri Viaggi
INR 5,195