If it's your first time, don't worry, we'll teach you in a simple and fun way, it's easier than it seems and we guarantee that you'll love it. And if you already have experience, we'll surely be able to teach you some tricks on the board.
All this while we explore the mangrove channels and tunnels that are home to different species of fish and birds, including flamingos that we'll see if we're lucky.
Discover why biologists call the mangrove "the nursery" and learn other curious facts about this ecosystem that's so important for humanity.
After a theoretical class, we'll start the adventure sitting on the board so that it's easy to learn how to control it. Once you've mastered this part, we'll help you stand up.
Although the challenge is to paddle standing up, you can also sit, kneel, lie down and even stand on your head or do yoga on the board... the idea is to have fun!
* Compas: an affectionate way of referring to friends
Marina Laguna Mar
Compas Sailing
MYR 228.48