Having headed a religious heritage non-for-profit organization for many years, I’ll be able to open you many doors that normally would be not open to the public!
One may wonder how come there is so much religious heritage in the capital city of the nation which has nowadays the least religious practice in all the western world. This tour tells the story of all relevant religious communities in Quebec City, from the glory days to the present times where many religious buildings are being reconverted into new projects (theatres, public libraries, housing projects, etc…).
Being one of the only guide in the city with full access to the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, the first Anglican cathedral built outside the British Isles, you’ll be in for not only a treat... but a royal treat!
Information will be given on the following religions and denominations: Roman-catholic, Anglican, Presbyterian, Methodist, United Church, Baptist, Congressionalist and Judaism.
Notre-Dame de Quebec Basilica-Cathedral
Seminaire du Quebec
Cathedral of the Holy Trinity
Pole Culturel du Monastere des Ursulines
Chalmers-Wesley United Church
Maison de la litterature
Chapelle Des Jesuites(Pass by)
Le Monastere des Augustines
St. Mattew’s Cemetery
Eglise St. Jean-Baptiste
Tommy Byrne
MYR 1,231.85