The Peruvian Andes provide the most spectacular views of snow capped mountains and glaciers in the region as it has the largest concentration of them. The Incas venerated and respected them, to them they were sacred, and decided to build Machu Picchu, the sacred city, and many others Archeological sites around the whole inca Territory with massive construcctions located in the lowlands and the high plate in the mountains surrounded by those breathtaking snow peaks. This region guards the spirit of Peru, its heritage and the traditions of ancient civilizations that make up what Peru is today. The sierra is mostly inhabited by native people descendants of the Incas, they have kept many of their traditions and their way of life. They work the land farming potatoes, olluco, quinoa and use llamas the same way the Incas did.
Complejo Arqueologico Waqrapukara
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Peru4Fun Servicios Turísticos EIRL
MYR 976.35