You are a committed recreational diver, engaged with the significance of interactive naturalist ecosystems. You are a responsible diver, eager to learn.
Learn the major aquatic life groupings. The more familiar you are with aquatic plants and animal habitats, with symbioses and with underwater ecology, the more chance you will detect behaviors and see creatures you may have previously overlooked. It makes diving so much more interesting if you know what you’re looking at and why it’s at that particular site.
The Underwater Naturalist Course is an introduction to the aquatic environment and will help develop safe and responsible aquatic life interaction techniques, as well as teaching you how to identify our local marine creatures. When enrolled in the course, you will be taught the major differences between the terrestrial and aquatic worlds. Major aquatic life groupings and their interactions will no longer be secretive to you.
Egypt Divers
Egypt Divers
MYR 613.29