Discover the amazing ruins of the ancient city of Tulum, guided by its ancient ruler, the Halach Uinic. The tour begins at the Burial Platform, where your narrator will tell you how he was forced to flee Tulum in 1518 upon the arrival of the Spanish invasion. You will then discover the Temple of the Frescoes, a privilege reserved for only a few and to which only the most influential and knowledgeable people had access. The Halach Uinic will show you his house and then take you to the Temple of the Descending God Mulzencab, where he will explain the ancient rituals. Your tour will end admiring the view of the sea and the wonderful castle of the ancient Mayan civilization.
Tulum Archaeological Site
Casa Cenote(Pass by)
Tulum Archaeological Site(Pass by)
Playa Ruinas(Pass by)
MYR 46.99