Experience the hit TV show Supernatural, in person where it was filmed! Walk through the historic neighbourhood and original settlement of Vancouver-Gastown and surrounding areas and visit locations where the show was filmed, at night. Take in the iconic steam clock. View media on a tablet at the locations where various seasons of the show was filmed at and learn about the movie magic that took place from 15 seasons of the hit series filming in Vancouver and surrounding areas. Explore and learn about the booming local film industry with a fellow fan of Supernatural and Vancouver local who works in film. Hear stories from the series and personal accounts of the show and how it grew our film industry to what it is today, giving Vancouver the name: Hollywood North.
Waterfront Station(Pass by)
Vancouver Lookout(Pass by)
Victory Square(Pass by)
Gastown(Pass by)
Gastown Steam Clock(Pass by)
Vancouver Film & TV Tours
MYR 153.34