Discover why Kauai’s natural splendor is the scenic backdrop for many blockbuster movies and TV shows. Travel through the heart of the garden island, engulfed by vast rainforests and mountainous valleys to arrive at the most famous filming locales. Behold Opaeka'a, a beautiful 151-foot waterfall, and treat yourself to a birds-eye view of the tranquil Wailua river. View clips from the comfort of your mini coach at each location. Explore historic Hanalei Town and have lunch on your own.
Lydgate Farms Kauai Chocolate
Opaekaa Falls
Kapaa(Pass by)
Kalalea(Pass by)
Tahiti Nui(Pass by)
Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge
Hanalei Valley Lookout
Polynesian Adventure Tours
USD 185.12